Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Every asset moderated by Unity
Want to add challenging opponents, multiplayer-bots or NPC-followers to your 2d sidescroller?
PathBerserker2d is here to help you with that!
This is a fully developed solution based on collider geometry (all collider types supported!) and lots of math. It does not shoot a million rays to approximate the environment, it’s not grid based and it doesn't try to abuse Unity's 3d NavMesh for 2d purposes.
PathBerserker is a custom build solution that works directly with the geometry collected from colliders and can handle any shape you throw at it. It’s fast, accurate and flexible!
Want to use Corgi-Engine for your project? No problem, PathBerserker2d has an integration for it. Read more about it here.
Give your AI an edge with PathBerserker2d!
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